Native Washingtonian
I'm a native Washingtonian who just never left. I’ve lived in Maryland (Montgomery County) my entire life, so far. I attended Montgomery Blair High School (with Goldie Hawn and Connie Chung – my claim to “fame by association”) , University of Maryland (Go Terps) and Georgetown Law Center (Go Hoyas).
Family Man
I married my high school sweetheart, and we’re still together, friends and lovers going strong after 50 years. She even saved my life. But that’s a story for another time. We have been blessed with two beautiful and dynamic daughters and four fantastic and quite energetic grandchildren. A lot to be thankful for.
As for hobbies, beside reading and movies (I favor action and suspense; sappy chick flicks, I’ll let my wife go), I enjoy motorcycling, especially in the country when the honeysuckles are in bloom. But riding around 495…not so much.
I also play golf…badly. But, hey, it’s a good walk in the sunshine.
Great Joy in Helping
For about 16 years, I practiced law. Then in 1988 I shifted from a very negative environment into the world of insurance, where I was able to realize the joy of helping people protect some important stuff: their families, income, assets and retirement. There is a very profound satisfaction in being the guide, providing information, security and comfort, and being appreciated for what you do, and who you are.
Thank you for considering me as a source of comfort and protection for you and your family. Let me help you avoid that “deer in the headlights” feeling when the subject of insurance is mentioned. I can help clarify and simplify your options for protection.
Joe Sperling, J.D.