Articles and eBooks
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What is Long-Term Care?
Explanation of the basics of location, cost and payment for Long-Term Care
Myths, Misconceptions & Myopia
Ten frequently misunderstood things about Long-Term Care
6 Questions Everyone Should Ask Their Aging Parents
Sometimes difficult, but always necessary, questions
Be Prepared With a Plan
Essential questions and answers to help prepare for Long-Term Care
The Wild Card That Could Destroy Your Retirement
Article from Forbes 8/20/13 discussing the devastating consequences that could result from lack of preparation for LTC
The Impact of Divorce on Life, Disability and Long-Term Care Insurance
eBook offering a review of insurance basics with a discussion of items to be considered by those going through a divorce
Same-Sex Couples : Assets of Both Spouses at Risk
New rules regarding Medicaid qualification and assets at risk for nursing home stay
Are You Prepared to be a Caregiver? How About to Need One?
Real world issues that must be addressed if one is considering the role, or the potential need
Barron's - Thinking Long Term
Comprehensive article published 11/9/13 provides excellent overview and analysis of value of LTC insurance
Who will care for America's aging population?
Washington Post article 11/21/13 by Tom Daschle and Tommy Thompson
Long-term care: Ignore it at Your Own Peril
Article by Steve Vernon in Money Watch 5/20/13
The Decision Our Family Came to Regret
Jeff Tomlin's very personal account of his family's struggle with a life or death decision for his father
Joe Sperling, J.D.